Please contact the school office if you do not know your login details.
These notes are designed to fill a vacuum between the prospectus and termly calendar, and to answer some questions that parents have.
Academic Progress/Reporting
At the end of each term a full set of reports will be sent home, including subject comments as well as a pastoral report from the Form Teacher or Tutor.
In addition to this, parents are also sent Mark Reading slips during the term (at approximately four week intervals) which indicate attainment and effort grades, together with a brief comment from the tutor or form teacher. Internal school examinations are held at various times during the school year, providing pupils with essential experience in how to master exam technique. There are also biannual parent/teachers meetings relevant to each boy in the school.
All boys in Year 6 and above will have their own individual tutor. The tutor meets the boys on a daily basis and discusses pastoral concerns as well as academic progress. The boy keeps the same tutor throughout his remaining time here. Parents are welcome, therefore, to liaise with the tutor, who will have a good knowledge and understanding of their son and his progress.
3 sets of Houseparents look after the boarders in year 8, 7, and 3-6 respectively, together with Assistant Houseparents. The role of Houseparents however, is not intended to dilute the role of the Tutor, or Form Teacher, who will still be regarded as your first point of contact.
Extra Tuition
Extra support on a 'one to one' tuition basis can be arranged in English, Maths, and English as Foreign Language by consultation with tutors/form teachers. Charges for extra tuition are invoiced directly to parents by the School. It is usually possible to arrange tuition in other modern foreign languages if required.
Music Lessons
All boys who want to are able to take music lessons, and those who are musically inclined are able to learn more than one instrument. At present, there are some 180 lessons given each week on a variety of instruments ranging from every orchestral instrument to drums and guitars. These lessons are given either by a full time member of the music department or one of the expert peripatetic staff who visit the school. Lessons take place throughout the school day, last for half an hour, and are given on a rotational basis during the timetable. Whenever possible no boy in his final year, however, should miss an academic lesson for his music. Pupils are encouraged to take external examinations and we regularly achieve success in senior school scholarships and awards. Dayboys usually practise at home, whilst boarders are given the opportunity to practise at set times throughout the week.
Book Fairs
In order to promote reading and the pleasure of books, we arrange a series of book fairs at which boys may buy two books. Some boys buy more with parental approval. There is an excellent library at school for those parents who feel that their son's bedroom is already full of paperbacks!
Accidents do happen and we are ever conscious that a boy might, through no fault of ours, suffer an accident which would permanently disable him in some way. The school is naturally insured against any claim based on damage due to negligence on our part, but unless it is proved that we are at fault a parent would have no recourse against us. In the recent past there have been several such serious accidents in the private educational field where the school concerned was in no way at fault.
The Governors decided that all boys will be insured by the school for personal accident, details of which are enclosed, and the cost of the insurance is borne by the school. The benefit of the scheme is that if a qualifying injury is sustained, the appropriate benefit can be claimed without having to prove that the school was at fault.
This cover is of course no substitute for the School Fees Protection Scheme against absence from school due to illness. Insurance is also available for parents who wish to cover the remission of school fees for the period of education lost in the event of their son's illness. The benefits of BUPA Private Medical Cover are also available to children.
The School itself does not insure the clothing and personal effects of pupils, for boarders or day pupils. Parents are therefore strongly advised to ensure personal belongings of their children (in particular expensive items such as musical instruments, watches etc) are insured and clearly marked with their son's name.
In addition to the insurances mentioned above, cover can be obtained by a parent in respect of school fees in the event of the death of the bread winner, and there are various Capital Plans and School Fees plans available. Advice on insurance and the above schemes can be obtained from the Bursar.
All our sports coaches have been trained in First Aid procedures.
These usually take place twice a term and are designed to provide a short break, and a rest, for both boys and staff alike. It is the responsibility of parents to make arrangements for exeats and half terms; we assume that boys who live overseas will go to their guardian unless we are advised to the contrary. We are not able to give permission to parents who ask a boy to stay at an exeat by ringing the school to make this request. It must be done directly with the parents/guardians of the boys concerned, who should then give written permission for the arrangement to the school in advance. Dates for exeats, half terms, and the beginning and end of each term are published termly.
Child Student Visa application for overseas students A Child Student Visa is the generic visa category applicable to overseas students who wish to come to the UK to study in independent schools. Papplewick as a Sponsor will apply for a CAS (Confirmation of Acceptance of Studies) reference from the U.K. Border Agency which will be supplied to you in order that you may make a visa application. All registration payments and confirmation of entry deposits must be received before a CAS can be applied for as this information is needed for the CAS application. It is advisable to check with the Embassy in the country from which you are applying as to their particular requirements - as it does seem to vary, and in some cases proof of payment of fees in advance is requested, in which case the Bursary will need to be informed in order to supply the relevant invoices. Once a CAS has been issued it is valid for 6 months and you may apply up to 3 months before the entry date - it is advisable to apply as early as possible in case of any queries or further information being required, as the school office is closed during the school holidays. Once a Child Student visa has been issued it will not expire until the end of your son's time at Papplewick, after which time you will need to apply through their Senior School. Papplewick's UKBA Sponsors Licence no is 8N7W5B379.
Transport to and from Airports Lifts can be arranged to and from the airport by emailing with your request and flight details etc., this service is arranged by our Deputy Head of Boarding, Lottie Britton, in order to use regular drivers that give a personal service, and the charge cannot be added to the school bill, but rather is charged separately.
All overseas boys are required to have a UK guardian.
According to the BSA directive, only those guardianship agencies accredited by AEGIS (The Association of Educational Guardians for International Students) are considered. AEGIS was launched in 1997 by a group of guardianship organisations mindful of the need to provide quality control and assurance for schools and overseas parents sending their children to boarding schools in the UK. Any accredited guardianship organisations in membership of AEGIS are required to provide the highest standards of welfare and pastoral care in looking after international students.
When overseas parents complete the registration form, and confirm entry, they are required to name a UK guardian on the form. If, at the time of registration they do not have a guardian in mind and need advice, the Registrar can then recommend an AEGIS accredited agency for them to contact. In the case of overseas parents who do not speak English it is possible for the Registrar to contact an agency direct giving details of the parents and they will then contact the parents direct. The contract is between the agency and the parent, and fees are not paid via the school.
UK guardians are required to host the boys during exeats and half-term periods, and will receive copy information i.e. calendars, circular letters and in some cases (if requested) duplicate reports. They must also be able to host boys at potentially short notice due to unforeseen circumstances (infections, illnesses etc.,) The school has become experienced in seeing that special help is given to overseas boys' particular requirements, such as travel arrangements, passports, vaccinations and escorting to and from airports.
Overseas boys, may, occasionally be invited to spend exeats or weekends by parents of current pupils, this is arranged directly through parents, and the school will require written confirmation from both sets of families of the proposed arrangements. The school however does not organise such arrangements on behalf of overseas parents, and the guardian is always the first point of contact.
UK guardians may not be siblings who are at University/College or in full time education in the UK.
UK guardians will also, where possible, attend parent/teacher meetings at the school for their charges. They may also be asked to accompany their charges on visits to Senior School visits.
All staff are in school at weekends which are crammed with the widest possible range of activities and outings. Saturday morning school consists of the Headmaster's Assembly for academic lessons, and the weekly chapel service. Sports matches take place after lunch. However, with the exception of the first weekend of the Summer Term, boarders will have the option to go home after their sporting commitments on Saturday afternoon, returning to school on Sunday evening or Monday morning. For the boys who continue to board on Saturday nights there will be as strong a programme as ever of the popular 'Saturday Night Entertainments', as well as a specially tailored series of activities and outings on Sundays to enrich and entertain. The Chapel Service, a key feature of life at Papplewick, is at 11.45 a.m on Saturday mornings gathering the whole school together as a community. Parents/Guardians are encouraged and very much welcomed to attend this special weekly service., after which drinks are served and parents may join school lunch with the boys.
Papplewick has always welcomed parents visiting their sons, and this is certainly a tradition that the School wishes to continue to embrace. Official visiting times are on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons (regardless of whether your son is playing in a match). You are also very welcome to attend our Saturday Service at 11.45 a.m. each week, and other school events marked with an asterisk in the calendar.
Year 2
Whilst Year 2 boys will essentially follow the same timetable as all boys in the Lower School, in recognition of their age, they will have a slightly shorter day on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays when their pick-up time will be 4.30 p.m. In addition there will be no Saturday morning school for year 2 boys, although there may be the occasional sports fixture on the odd Saturday.
Day Boys – Arrival Time
Day boys may arrive at school in the morning from 8 a.m. onwards and by 8.20 am at the latest.
In the event of illness, day boys' parents are asked to telephone the school office by 9.30 am at the latest.
From time to time we may like to use photographs for marketing/advertising or press release purposes. We will assume you have no objections to this, unless we hear back from you in writing to the contrary. Letters should be addressed to the Headmaster, or an email to his secretary at
Boarders may bring with them any favourite books, games, small toys, mobile phones and chargers, ipods, waveboards/skateboards – but no laptops, Ipads, DSs or PSPs please, and or tuck! SMART PHONES are not permitted - should an overseas boy have a smartphone with them whilst travelling to and from their home country they will need to hand their phone in to their tutor or Houseparent on arrival. Any phone devices are required to have internet access disabled before being brought into the school during term time, otherwise will be confiscated. With over 125 boarders in the summer term, it is absolutely critical that all of your son's property is named using permanent markers.
Home Clothes
Boys are allowed to wear home clothes after matches on Saturday - though due to limited storage, you are asked to pack only one set of clothing.
Pocket Money
Boys do not need any pocket money while at school. For trips and outings, boys will always receive a small amount of money administered by the school.
Staying in Touch
The boarders have 4 telephone lines which parents can call in on from 7.45 pm – 9.10pm every evening. In order to facilitate the easiest possible communication with home, boarders are also allowed to bring simple mobile phones with NO access to internet back to school. However, they are only allowed to used them in their dormitories between the time for going upstairs to bed and their reading time. Outside of these times, the mobiles are stored centrally with the matrons, and are switched off. They should be charged at home at the weekend. Boys are not allowed to bring SmartPhones/Ipads/Apple Watches/Kindle Fires or any device which has internet access.
In addition, every boy has their own private email address which they may access on a daily basis in their free time (particularly useful for keeping in touch with those parents working at the office !) You may also reach the matrons with any pastoral/medical queries or by emailing their relevant Houseparents (email addresses will be in the front of the termly calendar supplied to all parents) Overseas boys living in different times zones may be able to use their mobiles after lunch to contact home, and they also may use Skype to make contact on Sunday mornings.
Tour fund '200' Club
The Papplewick Tour Fund was set up in 1992 to enable boys to enjoy academic, cultural and sporting opportunities which lie outside the school curriculum, the cost of which, parents might otherwise find prohibitive. All boys whose parents subscribe to the fund stand to benefit from subsidies to a variety of major sporting and other tours, such as Yr 7 French trip, Outdoor Education, Sports Tours, the Stag Challenge, and Leavers' Camp. On occasion, the fund may also offer a special 'top-up' subsidy to any boy in the school whose parents would otherwise find it difficult to meet the cost of a particular tour.
We invite all parents to become members of a '200' Club by subscribing £40 per boy per term, which we will add to the termly bill of the boy concerned. In addition to becoming eligible for tour subsidies, your son's name will then be entered into the Prize Draw which is held at the end of each term. Prizes of up to a total of £2,000 are won each term.
We do hope you will wish to join the Tour Fund '200' Club, and you may of course subscribe to more than one unit. However, if you do not wish to become a member of this club, you need merely delete the relevant amount from your termly bill.
Contact Numbers
We would ask that if you are away at all during term time you inform the school office and the houseparents of contact numbers in the event of an emergency, and keep us up to date with any changes of address or mobile phone numbers.
Complaints Procedure
It is essential that all parents feel able to approach us whenever any queries, worries or different points of view arise. We are 'open' and accessible at all times and all are welcome to make contact with the Headmaster – whose PA will be glad to arrange a mutually convenient appointment. You may also make an appointment directly with your son's tutor, form teacher or Head of the Lower School in the case of years 3 and 4, or the Head of Middle School for yrs 5 and 6. If you are unhappy with the Headmaster's response, there is a formal complaints procedure which may be obtained from the school office on request.
Futher information
Further details of curriculum, welfare health and safety policy, and results of Public examinations for preceding school year are available on request.