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At Papplewick, where we are a nut-free school, our Catering team create menus to cater to every boy's needs. Every day we have on offer homemade soup, homemade bread, cheese and biscuits, chopped up fruit, a wide and varied Salad Bar, pasta and baked potatoes, on top of the main freshly cooked hot option. Our meat is sourced locally from a butcher based in Ascot. We do this not only to reduce food miles but also to maximise the quality we provide to the boys.
Through our termly Food Committee Meetings, we find out what the boys have enjoyed the most, what they would like to introduce, and sometimes what they would like to see less of. It's good to involve the boys and get their feedback in order to continue to develop the options we offer. We also encourage the boys to try new foods to expand their diet.
We welcome all our parents every Saturday (and siblings and grandparents!) to enjoy lunch with their boys so they can see and taste the food for themselves.