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Open Mornings


FORTHCOMING OPEN MORNINGS  Autumn- Winter 2024/2025

 OPEN MORNINGS: Friday 8th November from 10am to 12.00 and Saturday 16th November from 9.30am to 11.30am. 2025 - Friday 31st January from to 12.00pm and Saturday 1st February from 9.30am to 11.30am.

 Open Morning to be held on Friday 8th November and Saturday 16th November- We are delighted to be able to welcome you to our one of our Open Mornings in November and invite you to join us for coffee followed by a tour of Papplewick with one of our boys. In this way, you will be able to meet many of the staff, see around the facilities, while also having the opportunity to quiz your tour guides about all aspects of their lives with us. Each tour will start with a meeting with the Staff and finish with a short discussion with our Registrar.

SCHOLARSHIP DAY   A number of awards will be available in September 2025 for 6 to 11 year old boys born between 1st September 2014 and 31st August 2019. These include academic, all rounder, and sports awards for those with strong musical, artistic and sporting or other talents. The value of an award could be worth up to 50% of the full fees throughout the boy's time here, which may be made up of a maximum 15% scholarship award, and up to a 35% means-tested bursary. The aim is to attract boys who would not otherwise be considering private education. It is expected that candidates will be of a suitable calibre to sit an Academic, Music, Art or All-Rounders' scholarship to a Senior Independent School at 13+.Award-holders will be expected to join Papplewick as day boys or boarders in September 2025. Please note that present pupils are not eligible for these awards. The testing day will be in held on Monday 27th January 2025. As a principle, we are looking at a candidate's potential rather than the recall of taught knowledge. As a result, we do not encourage boys to carry out any specific preparation for the test, nor do we think it would be helpful. For those applying for a stand alone Sports Scholarship please specify on the application form. 

For further information, and to register attendance, please contact the Registrar, Rebecca Lindley, at or on 01344 621488.

Tatler Prep School of the Year 2018/19