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The outstanding range of activities on offer at Papplewick is a feature of the school that the boys value enormously. In short, they can never get bored!
On Thursdays, instead of lessons and games, the boys at Papplewick take part in an afternoon of activities. These activities range from sporting to the dramatic and as many different types of activities as possible are offered. A selection of the activities on offer are: Karate, Squash, Photography, Polo, Riding, Fire-making, Clay Pigeon Shooting, Fishing, Magic, Skateboarding, Golf, Chess, Drama, Cookery, Bibliomanics, Airfix club, Lego and craft activities, Junior Jigsaws, board games, Harry Potter Club and Martial Arts. Every boy takes part in 2 activities, and they are encouraged to try out as many new experiences as possible during the course of their time at Papplewick.
During the Michaelmas and Lent terms, boarders also greatly enjoy the activities programme between 6.45pm and 7.30pm when they have a selection of a further eight to ten activities from which to choose every evening. Current activities include indoor cricket nets, badminton, basketball, war hammer, swimming, the snake club, lego, hockey, water polo, silent comedy, table tennis, touch rugby, DT, Art, military games, and athletics.