Please contact the school office if you do not know your login details.
Q: Is collection time as per the calendar on the first day of each term for day boys?
A: All day boys should be collected at 5.15pm on the first day of the term. The termly calendar should be referred to for collection times.
Q: Does my son need to bring any stationery with him on the first day of term?
A: Boys are asked just to bring a pencil case, containing pencil, rubber and ruler.
Q: My son will start next term as a day boy – does he need to bring his games kit on the first day?
A: Games kit should be brought in on the first day of term.
Q: What time do rugby and football matches begin?
A: All rugby and football fixtures begin at 2.30pm unless otherwise stated. Any changes will be posted on the website.
Q: Do cricket matches begin at the same time?
A: Cricket matches begin at 2.15pm unless otherwise stated.
Q: When will I know if my son is in a team?
A: Teams are posted on the website by 6.15pm on the evening before a match. Inevitably, they can be subject to change after that due to illness. If you have any doubts about weather conditions or team selection please telephone after 11 a.m. on that morning.
Q: My son is a day boy and will be involved in a match on Saturday afternoon – do I need to collect him after Chapel and bring him back ?
A: Day boys who are involved in matches, either home or away, are invited to stay for lunch at school on Saturdays.
Q: When will my son begin musical instrument lessons?
A: Music lessons for NEW boys will begin in the 3rd week of their first term and for current pupils, the 2nd week of term.
Q: Are music lessons taken during the timetable, and if so when do they catch up with missed work?
A: Music lessons are taken during lessons, but they are rotated so that boys do not miss the same lesson each week usually on a five or six weekly cycle.
Q: Can my son change instruments mid-term?
A: One term's notice must be given, when either changing or discontinuing an instrument, otherwise a further term's fees will be charged.
Q: Who should I talk to if I have any concerns regarding my son?
A: In the first instance, parents should speak with their son's form teacher (for Years 2/ 3/4/5 or their son's tutor (for years 6/7/8) If necessary, the matter can then be referred on to either the Head of the Lower School (yrs 3 and 4,) Head of the Middle school (yrs 5 and 6) or the Headmaster.
Any specific medical concerns should be referred to the School Nurse. For boarding pupils, pastoral matters may be discussed with your son's Houseparents who will be listed in the School Calendar.
Q: Am I able to obtain other parents' private contact details via the school?
A: We are not able to give out this confidential information for parents. Once at the school, parents normally arrange a class representative to collate and distirbute details of those parents who give their consent.
Q: My son is a day boy and wishes to invite some new school friends home – we do not know their contact details how do we go about this?
A: Parents are encouraged to coordinate this information themselves by exchanging contact details within their class, and circulating this information across the year group. This is particularly useful for organising any social events outside of school hours.
Q: My son wishes to invite a boarder home for Saturday night/Sunday lunch/exeat/ half term – how do we go about this?
A: The boarder concerned should be asked by you or your son to contact his parent/guardian to seek permission. If this is granted then confirmation must be sent to the Headmaster in writing, along with your written invitation (email is acceptable)
Q: Will my son know if he is able to do the extra activity he wishes to on a Thursday?
A: Unless the activity is a paid for one, the boys sign themselves up for their chosen activities on a Thursday afternoon in the Michaelmas and Lent terms. If any of these are oversubscribed they will be offered another choice. In the case of a paid for activity – there are a limited number of spaces and they are allocated on a first come, first served basis, at the beginning of the term. A link will be sent to parents the week before the beginning of term for them to sign up online for the various paid for activities. The free activities will also be listed online, and can be chosen with their parents/form teachers once they decide which is their choice.
Q: When do Thursday activities commence?
A: Thursday Activities begin during the SECOND week of the Michaelmas and Lent Term.
Q: My son is in the Junior school – can he sign up for clay pigeon or air rifle shooting?
A: No – Air Rifle shooting is suitable for boys in Years 6-8, and Clay Pigeon shooting is most suitable for Years 7-8.
Q: Can my son bring a mobile phone to school?
A: If he is a boarder yes, however with the only intended purpose for a boarding pupil to have a phone at Papplewick being to phone or text home. Boarders may therefore only bring a simple phone that is NOT capable of accessing the internet. Smart Phones, Ipads, Apple Watches, Kindle Fires etc therefore are not allowed and whilst appreciating that parents of overseas boys may wish to carry a smartphone whilst travelling to and from their home country, this will be allowed but they must hand this in to their tutor of houseparent on arrival at school who will keep it safe until next travelling. Mobile phones will be kept safe by houseparents when they are not being used
Q: Can the school provide top up cards for mobiles?
A: No, but if parents wish to provide top up cards themselves, then these should be handed to the Bursar at the beginning of term.
Q: Can I contact my son by email?
A: All boys will be given an email address which will be the the initial for their first name, a full stop, and then their surname followed by eg.
Q: Is there a lost property point for the boys?
A: Lost property is put in a wicker basket at the back of the boys' changing rooms.
Q: What is 'Saturday for new boys and new parents' in the calendar?
A: This is an invitation to all new parents and boys to attend the Saturday morning Chapel service, after which they will have the opportunity to chat to staff after their sons' first two weeks at school. However, ALL parents are welcome to attend this and every other service throughout the term, whether their sons are day boys or boarders.
Q: Is it possible for the school to arrange lifts to and from the airport for overseas boarders?
A: Lifts can be arranged to and from the airport by emailing with your request and flight details etc. All drivers to the airport are known to the school and taxis are not used.