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Papplewick goes into The Lions' Den!

15th March 2013

Many congratulations to Aakash Gupta, Lucas Weiss, and Andrew Morley for coming third in the DT Lions Den competition at Monkton Combe.

In a similar manner to the TV programme, the boys had to design, make and pitch their idea to 4 businessmen. The brief was to design and make a product that could make lessons more enjoyable. Our boys' solution was 'infocards'.


At the end of any lesson, a pupil would choose an infocard (blue not happy, yellow ok, green happy) and write on the white rear surface of the card with their views of how they felt about the lesson. This, therefore, supplys anonymous feedback to the teacher. If a teacher gets several blue cards, this means that the (blue card) pupils didn't grasp the learning objectives. The teacher would/should then change their strategy for the next lesson.