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Papplewick featured again in the Tatler Good Schools Guide 2025!

1st July 2024

​'Boys flock to join the herpetology club, where they can look after their own pet snakes and bearded dragons' here to read the full report..

Boys flock to join the herpetology club, where they can look after their own pet snakes and bearded dragons. But when not tending to their reptiles, they might be found playing polo, cooking or running cross-country. Plans are in progress for a new art, DT and maths block; and two stunning new science labs have recently been unveiled as well as staged seating for drama productions. Kindness is cherished and the weekly Golden Moment award rewards those who have performed random acts of it. Boarding starts in Year 3 and is required to be full-time from the summer term of Year 6. Saturday school is compulsory for all except Year 2 and is followed by a family chapel service, after which kith-and-kin stay on for lunch.